1. Open the page you want to add the button to in OU Campus
  2. Place your cursor on the page where you want the button to appear
  3. Type the words you want to appear inside the button
    1. Short text is better for links and buttons, ex: "Download Form (PDF)"
  4. Highlight the words you just typed
  5. Select "Add or Edit Link" on your editor toolbar or by right-clicking on the highlighted text
  6. In the URL bar, select the item you want to link to via the brown button or paste the URL
  7. In the "Class" dropdown list, select "BUTTON LINK (HOLLY BACKGROUND)" or "BUTTON LINK (PINE OUTLINE)"
    1. BUTTON LINK (HOLLY BACKGROUND) = a green button with white text
    2. BUTTON LINK (PINE OUTLINE) = a clear button with green outline and text. this is for white backgrounds only
    3. A note about this dropdown list - on smaller monitor screens, like a laptop or tablet, this dropdown menu will not display the options at the bottom of the list. If this happens to you, zoom out on your browser until you can see the whole list, select the one you want, then zoom back in.

      A quick way to zoom in and out is to use "CNTRL" + "+" and "CNTRL" + "-" (use command key on macs)
  8. Click "OK"
  9. Save & Publish
  10. Check your new button link to make sure it is linked to the page/file you want it to go to