Are you seeing a blocked extension error when trying to upload an item to your website in OU Campus? Does the error look like this:

Image Placeholder

Good news! This is totally normal. Blocked Extensions are a safeguard in OU Campus to keep file types separated into the correct subfolders on your website. Here are the common types of blocked extensions:

  • In your main site root folder - all extensions that are not .pcf
  • In your /images folder - all extensions that are not image file types
  • In your /docs folder - all extensions that are not document file types

How to fix - 

  • What type of file are you trying to upload?
    • If you are trying to add a photo to your site, open your site's /images folder and try your upload there.
    • If you are trying to add a document to your site, open your site's /docs folder and try your upload there.
  • The most common cause of a blocked extension error is accidental upload to the site root. The site root is set to only allow webpages to be added so all extensions are blocked that are not webpage extensions.
  • Another common cause is subfolder access mis-application. If a subfolder was copied, it inherits the file extensions from the copied folder and needs to be edited in order to accept different file types.

Still getting an error?

If you have followed the above troubleshooting methods and are still getting a blocked extension error, your site folder's file access will need to be edited by the OU Campus administrator for ATU. Open a trouble ticket to describe your blocked extension error to the ATU  Web Team and receive assistance.